Teen Moms
Fresh Start

A hand up, not a hand out
What we do
We find a great satisfaction in reaching out and providing the support that so many families need, via networking and partnering with other organizations.
Our Philosophy is that all members of society need to be treated equally. It is important for people of the community to be a part of the solution to the many problems we face today. These life changing programs touch on all developmental issues including finances, health, parenting and more.
The definition of success to Teen Moms Fresh Start is: seeing a decrease in violence, drug addiction, gang dependency, teen pregnancy and an increase in high school graduates, job production, communal sports / arts / music and community supporting community.
Together, we can provide the support, knowledge and assistance needed to build strong foundations within our communities.

We are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. All
donations are tax deductible and funds go directly to our local communities. Read more...

Members will help Teen Moms Fresh Start with social activities, volunteer work and gathering donation items. Contact us to
find out how you can become a part of our committee.

In conjunction with reducing teen pregnancy, our mission is to provide programs based on life skills, education and individual support to both teen moms and dads.